CFP Frequently Asked Questions
Got questions about our content proposal process?
This is the guide for you.
A “call for proposals” is the content submission process for many conferences. We ask for a description of any talk you’d like to give, which doubles as the description used for the conference, as well as a bio that helps us understand why you’re suited to give all talks you’ve submitted.
This year, we are looking for intermediate-to-advanced content across any of our tracks.
As the saying goes…it depends! We had detailed descriptions of our talks on our Track Descriptions page , but you may also consider submitting a talk multiple times (once per applicable track) if you’re unsure. We do limit speakers to 10 total submissions, so you will still want to be considerate in which track you submit your talks.
Yes! In fact, we prefer you submit multiple talks to the CFP.
We often ask speakers to present two talks during the event. We very rarely will ask for more than that, as we want to give our speakers time to enjoy the conference as well.
Sometimes, the more the merrier! However, know that speaker benefits get tricky when there’s more than one speaker assisting with a talk. If your talk is submitted, only one person will be able to take advantage of speaker benefits.
Hello KCDC speaker! At this time, we eliminate any talks from consideration that have been given in the last five years.
We accept a max of 10 talks. This will be across all formats: KCDC Sessions, DevOpsDays Focus Sessions and DevOpsDays Lightning Talks.
We cover up to $500 round trip for economy domestic air travel for speakers traveling to Kansas City, as well as 2 nights hotel stay at our conference hotel. We offer a third hotel night is for speakers hosting a workshop. Flights must be pre-approved to be eligible for reimbursement.
We cover slightly more for air travel for speakers traveling internationally with pre-approval, as well as additional hotel stay nights.
Reimbursement will be processed within 30 days after the conference concludes as long as an invoice and copy of flight purchase documents are sent to staff by September 15th, 2025.
Please note: Any speakers who are performing their role as formal developer advocates are excluded from reimbursement.
Our 2025 CFP closes February 21st, at 11:59pm.
After this, all submitted content is subject to multiple rounds of review. We generally aim to release results in roughly 6-8 weeks from the close of the CFP. At this point we will share whether your proposal was accepted for our 2025 event.
You can email speakers@kcdc.info for all content-related questions.
DevOpsDays KC @ KCDC Questions
This year, DevOpsDays KC is taking place at our KCDC event at the convention center. Attendance to DevOpsDays can be purchased as an add-on to KCDC tickets!
You can submit for content for both KCDC and DevOpsDays KC through our CFP.
Yes! We will coordinate content selection across the two events so that speakers aren’t over committed during the week.
Sessions will only be considered for the format they are targeting. 60 minute KCDC sessions will be separated from 30min DevOpsDays Focus Sessions and 5min DevOpsDays Lightning Talks.
DevOpsDays KC Focus Sessions are only 30 min and Lightning Talks are only 5 minutes. KCDC Sessions are 1hr. You should differentiate your content for the different formats.
Yes! All speakers during the event will receive the same speaker benefits.
The only exception, however, is for DevOpsDays KC Lightning Talks (5 min). We will not be giving speaker benefits for anyone that is solely providing a Lightning Talk.